Kellen Ice cream shop 05-08-2018

augustus 13, 2018 0 Door Chuiwei Yeung

Hollwnd on bicycle—Small town Kellen (Germany)


I didn’t realize that I am already in Germany, till I into this ice cream shop. These two young people can speak good Dutch, they are very friendly to help me phone charging and find me some information of the near city. I like their smile, like sunshine for me.



自行车上的荷兰–Kellen 小镇。


一个不小心骑过了莱茵河到了德国, 在这家雪糕店休息顺便手机充电,德国英语不大流通,本人不懂德语,还好店里这两位年轻人懂荷兰语,非常热心地介绍附近城市景点给我。最终还是决定回荷兰去看一家住在边境的朋友。