VVRoden 23-07-2018

augustus 13, 2018 0 Door Chuiwei Yeung


Holland on bicycle—VVRoden

In Holland even in the small vilage where is no supermarket they will have a football field.
Roden has 3 football clubs , from wich VV Roden the biggest and oldest.
VV Roden is founded on 29 august 1929. My two childeren and me are members, the father doesn’t play football , he likes to go fishing.
Every club needs suport and sponsors, so does VV Roden, Autobedrijf H. van Bergen is one of the biggest suporters and the main sponsor of VV Roden his name is seen al around the sportsfields.
Green energy and energy saving is now a very hot item, the Dutch government is suporting clubs financial to save energy. So many clubs are now changing to Led field lights. DBO Energie BV can suply the best quality for very good prices, they also make a perfect lightplan wich covers the needs of the clubs.


在荷兰,樓燈算是一个大村庄,一万多居民,有三个足球俱乐部,其中两个俱乐部有自己的球场。最老牌也是最大的俱乐部是VVRoden足球俱乐部, 成立于1929年8月29日。本人一家四口,其中三口是这家俱乐部的成员,孩子老爸只爱钓鱼。
所有俱乐部都离不开赞助商,图七是樓燈一家车行—H.van Bergen, 图八是老板Henk,他是VVRoden俱乐部的最大赞助商,球场里到处都是车行的喷绘广告(见图六)。车行从他父亲开始到现在,口碑很好,很多客户开车一个小时都要到这家车行修理及做年检。我孩子老爸从第一部车开始(1979年)就在这家车行买的,直到现在,铁粉死忠。
老球场也要与时并进,现在地方政府出资一部分帮助球场更换LED照明灯,各公司工程商竟标,DBO Energie (英文为Energy)公司以独特安全的方案获得政府部门的赞赏,进入了候选公司名单(很难进入的)。图九是DBO Energie公司的销售部主管,也是我的合伙人之一,公司阳盛阴衰,除我之外,全男班全荷兰人。本人负责中国事务部,球场方案我主导,多年努力得到认可,为自己点个赞!